How Do You Know if Your Child Is Pale Because of Illness

Paediatr Child Wellness. 2004 Mar; 9(iii): 166–168.

Case 2: A very stake 3-year-sometime

A three-year-old previously healthy girl was sent to the emergency section past her family unit physician with astringent anemia. Ten days prior, she had been unwell with a fever, pallor and fatigue lasting three days. She had been seen by her family unit physician one time during the episode and her parents were reassured that she had a viral disease. During the ensuing days, she remained afebrile merely continued to exist pale and tired. She was seen again on the day of presentation by her family unit physician, who sent her to the emergency department, where a complete blood count (CBC) revealed a hemoglobin of 45 g/L (normal 110 one thousand/L to140 chiliad/50).

Review of symptoms was negative. Diet history revealed that she was a picky eater who did not drinkable excessive amounts of milk and she appeared to have a generally balanced diet. Physical exam revealed a pale, irritable but consolable girl with mild tachycardia but otherwise normal vital signs. She had no evidence of middle failure, lym-phadenopathy or organomegaly, and in that location was no rash, bruising, or petechiae. A repeat CBC confirmed the depression hemoglobin of 44 one thousand/L with a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of 86 fL (normal lxxx fL to 94 fL) and normal white claret jail cell and platelet counts. The reticulocyte count was 0.98% (28.7×tenix). The remainder of her bloodwork, including electrolytes, bilirubin, urate and lactate dehydrogenase was normal. She was admitted to hospital for observation and farther investigations.


Boosted piece of work up for this child included a bone marrow aspiration, which showed a paucity of scarlet prison cell precursors with no abnormality in the other cell lines. Because she was previously good for you, had no signs, symptoms or laboratory parameters consistent with another crusade for anemia, and her hemoglobin recovered inside several weeks of presentation, she was given the diagnosis of transient erythroblastopenia of childhood (TEC).

Anemia is defined equally a decrease in hemoglobin of more than two standard deviations below the hateful for age and sex. A term infant for example, has a normal hemoglobin of 150 g/Fifty to 210 g/Fifty followed by a physiological nadir of 100 thou/L around ii months of age. The differential diagnosis of childhood anemia can be approached in diverse ways, offset with a thorough history and concrete exam. Age, past medical history, and time course will help to determine whether the anemia is congenital or acquired, acute or chronic. The CBC gives information on whether ane or more than prison cell lines are involved. The MCV differentiates between microcytic, normocytic, and macrocytic anemia, and finally, the reticulocyte count helps to identify anemia associated with underproduction of new cells versus an appropriate increased production in response to the anemia.

The most common scenario in a young child would be a history of excessive milk drinking and decreased meat intake, a low MCV too as low fe and ferritin, which would lead one to think of iron deficiency anemia. A child of African or Caribbean descent, with a family unit history of anemia, and recurrent episodes of painful bony crises or life threatening infections, would demand a hemoglobin electrophoresis to assist in the diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Hemolytic disorders are characterized by shortened crimson cell survival and marked increase in the reticulocyte count. There may exist jaundice, splenomegaly, gallstones and a significant family or neonatal history. Laboratory findings include raised unconjugated bilirubin, urine urobilinogen and hemoglobinuria, and a decreased haptoglobin. The blood smear would likely demonstrate aberrant ruby prison cell morphology. A useful comprehensive approach to babyhood anemia can be constitute in Figure 1.

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A comprehensive approach to babyhood anemia. G6PD Glucose vi phosphate dehydrogenase; MCV Mean corpuscular volume; Rh Rhesus; SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus; TEC Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood

TEC is an acquired benign red cell aplasia that occurs in previously salubrious children under the historic period of 4 years. The anemia is mostly normochromic and normocytic and information technology is associated with a severe reticulocytopenia. Platelet numbers are usually normal just neutropenia may occur. The underlying etiology is unknown, nevertheless the illness is cocky-limiting (resolves inside weeks to ii months) and does non recur. Information technology often follows a viral illness although no single agent has been identified (HHV-6 and parvovirus B19 have been suggested in the past).

Cherrick et al (ane) prospectively studied 50 consecutive patients with TEC. At presentation, the age range was five to 44 months, the hemoglobin ranged from 55 m/L to 84 g/50, platelets were normal or elevated, and 64% were mildly neutropenic. All exhibited normal myeloid maturation.

Differentiation of TEC from congenital hypoplastic anemias (eg, Diamond-Blackfan syndrome) may exist hard in the laboratory but is normally possible on the ground of history. Other disorders associated with cherry-red cell aplasia, eg, renal illness and hypothyroidism, may need to be excluded. Treatment is supportive and packed cell transfusions may be necessary if the patient is symptomatic while waiting for the bone marrow to start producing red cells again.


  • In addition to a good history and physical test in childhood anemia, knowing the MCV and the reticulocyte count helps to identify the most likely etiology of anemia.

  • TEC is a rare acquired ruby-red cell aplasia of unclear etiology, presenting as a normochromic normocytic anemia in children, ordinarily younger than four years of age.


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